Equinox IT Blog

Presenting at ITx on moving from legacy to the future


Last Thursday I presented at the Wellington ITx Conference on the topic 'Moving From Legacy To The Future – Can You Get There From Here?'.

Many organisations have large, core, mission-critical systems that are often described as 'legacy'. The organisation can't live without them – but for many reasons they find they can't live with them for much longer either.

Generally, to 'leave a legacy' is considered a good thing, but in the world of IT systems, it has come to mean having systems that are inflexible, hard to maintain, expensive to run and weighed down by 'technical-debt'.

The current raft of modern technologies and approaches, such as cloud, containerisation, microservices, DevOps etc. promise to save us – but how do we go about getting from our legacy to this brave-new-world? And will today's innovation just be tomorrow's legacy?

During the presentation I examined the legacy situation that many organisations face and I defined some key principles to apply when undertaking a move away from legacy.

The presentation looked at the relevance of modern architectures, technologies, and approaches for different organisational contexts and described approaches for how an organisation can move forward from their legacy systems.

Download my presentations slides.

Bill Ross is a Principal Consultant specialising in solution and enterprise architecture, based in Wellington.

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